Christ the King Elementary School
165 Dufferin Avenue
Brantford, N3T 4R4
519-759-4211 | Zone: 4

Principal: Miriam Petrella
Secretary: Karen Fronczak

Trustee:     Rick Petrella 
                     Bill Chopp

Bell Times
School Start : 8:45am
First Nutrition Break : 10:25am – 11:05am
Second Nutrition Break : 12:45pm – 1:25pm
School Dismissal : 3:05pm

More School Info

Christ the King Elementary School
165 Dufferin Avenue
Brantford, N3T 4R4
519-759-4211 | Zone: 4

Miriam Petrella
Karen Fronczak

Rick Petrella
Bill Chopp

Bell Times
School Start : 8:45 Am
First Nutrition Break :10:25am – 11:05am
Second Nutrition Break : 12:45pm – 1:25pm
School Dismissal : 3:05pm

Code of Conduct Updates 2024-25


BHNCDSB is committed providing annual updates and related information regarding the Board’s Catholic Code of Conduct. It may also be helpful for families to review Board Policy 200.09 Catholic Code of Conduct: Positive Student Behaviour, Progressive Discipline and Safety.


Policy and Program Memorandum 128 The Provincial Code of Conduct for School Boards and Schools (PPM 128) sets clear standards of behaviour for school communities. School Boards use this PPM 128 to develop their own local codes of conduct. The code aims to help schools:

  • create a positive school environment; and,
  • support the achievement and well-being of all students.


The Board’s Catholic Code of Conduct is aligned with the Provincial Code of Conduct, the Ontario Human Rights Code and other related legislation. The Catholic Code of Conduct endeavors to:

  • promote the safety and well-being of all people in our school communities;
  • foster school climates where differences are celebrated and addressed with respect and civility;
  • prevent bullying in schools;
  • encourage positive relationships and non-violent conflict resolution;
  • discourage the use of alcohol, illegal drugs, recreational cannabis, and other harmful behaviours; and,
  • limit harmful classroom distractions.


Each school community is unique and therefore each school has its own Code of Conduct that considers the specific nuances in their school environment when aligning with the Board and Provincial Codes of Conduct.


  1. Enforcement Relating to Alcohol, Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes, Recreational Cannabis and Related Products and Illegal Drugs

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 prohibits smoking (tobacco and cannabis) and the use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) at schools, on school grounds, and all public areas within 20 metres of these grounds. Anyone smoking or vaping on school property is guilty of an offence and if convicted may result in a fine under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017. The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 also prohibits the sale and supply of tobacco or e-cigarettes to anyone under 19 years of age. Anyone who sells or supplies tobacco or an e-cigarette to a student under 19 years of age is guilty of an offence and if convicted may result in a fine under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017.

In accordance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, the Board recognizes the benefits of declaring, establishing, and maintaining a smoke-free, tobacco free and cannabis-free learning, playing, and working environment for students, employees, visitors, and those who use Board facilities. Therefore, smoking and/or holding lit tobacco, cannabis, tobacco-like, cannabis-like (alternative) products, consuming or using any other tobacco, cannabis, tobacco-like, cannabis-like (alternative) product, e-cigarette, or related product, is strictly prohibited on all Board properties, during educational excursions, in Board vehicles or in personal vehicles parked on Board property. Electronic products such as electronic cigarettes, cigars, and pipes as well as cartridges of nicotine solutions and related products are prohibited in a school or on any and all BHNCDSB properties or during school or Board sanctioned activities or events.

In the case of these substances and related products being found in the possession of students, parents must be notified, and the student must surrender the item(s) to the educator or administrator and progressive discipline will be applied according to board policy. Students involved may also receive support to help learn from inappropriate behaviours. Confiscated materials/paraphernalia will not be returned to anyone under 19yrs. The Board will also adhere to its obligation under Board Policy and the Provincial and Local Police/School Board Protocols in providing the required notification to a School Public Health Nurse (PHN), Tobacco Enforcement Officers and/or to local Police Services.

Learn More

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